Commission & Trade info


Requests: Not anymore in general, unless for quick doodle sketch dumps on Tumblr but that's about it
Trades: If you have descent enough art skills. Only for friends and mutuals, just ask
Commissions: Pending

╭━━━━━━━❣ ~ ❤ ~ ❣━━━━━━━╮

- 3 slots for commissions, I'll do them every 2 or 3 months but it depends if I have anything else to do or not. Art trades will be about 3 - 5 depending if I'm productive enough
- When it comes to trades, there's no specific deadline to post your part, but if it's passed 1 1/2 months or more without any WIP, the trade might be scrapped. I'm not impatient for a finished trade but I'd absolutely appreciate DMing me WIP so I'll know if you're working on it and if there's anything to fix ^^
- I might be slow on art due to work and personal stuff but I'll post any WIP if anyone asks.
- Headshot 15$
- Half Body 20$
- Full Body 25$
- + 1 character 5$
Flat Colour:
- Headshot 30$
- Half Body 40$
- Full Body 45$
- + Background 10$
- + Effect (explosion, fire, filter, ecc) 5$
- Headshot 50$
- Half Body 55$
- Full Body 60$
- Detailed (ex. Shine, detailed fur, feathers, scales, ecc) 10$
- Background 10$
- Effect (ex. Explosion, fire, filter, ecc) 5$
Comics will have a 3 to 8 page limit
3 - 4 pages + 15$
5 - 8 + 20$

- Only around 1 - 8 characters, excluding sketch dumps. Anything above that won't be allowed
- I can draw almost anything that's SFW and wholesome, though most will be related to the fandoms I'm into, but in case if it's not listed, just ask (FNAF, DND, Baldur's Gate, Helluva Boss, Rick & Morty, ecc)
- Furry stuff, mainly commissioned but I also draw it sometimes in general
- Anything relating to certain cultures/aesthetics (goth, grunge, indie, emo, scene, ecc)
- Mostly anything that's popular, so not really anything obscure
- Fantasy/Mythology is accepted (ex. Game Of Thrones, DND, The Hobbit, ecc, the styles and aesthetics I go for)
- Commissions will be for people 18+ and trades 15/16+